Import Video - MPG file



I get this when trying to import a MPG vedio file, why??

C:\My Videos\TESTDVD!\41 Ford Test Video.mpg could not be imported. An
interface has too many methods to fire events from

Thank you for your answer
(e-mail address removed)


After reading myself to sleep, I got a fresh look this morning and concluded
that I need to convert the MPEG file(s) created in MyDVD (Roxio), to AVI type
files. The original video was downloaded from a Mini DVD Camcorder (Canon
DC20). Your newsletter #50 pointed me to VDubMOD, which I tried to download.
It appears to download and unzip fine, but I find no install program to make
it a executable program. I assume that is what needs to happen to take in
(import) a MPEG file for conversion to AVI.
Here is what I get for files and folders after download:
I wanted to show you the folders(3) and files (19) that downloaded and
unzipped, but was unable to copy/paste the contents here.
Any help appreciated.
Thank you,
Don Ruckman


Well I, no you, are getting closer !!! I executed VDudMod and successfully
converted the MPEG file in question to a AVI file type. The AVI file plays
with Windows Media Player just fine, and plays in Divx Player, but with no
sound. However, when "Importing" to Movie Maker, it hangs up and/or gives me
the following:
"The file C:\My Videos\TESTDVD!\41 Ford Video-AVI.03.avi cannot be imported
because the codec required to play the file is not installed on your
computer. If you have already tried to download and install the codec, close
and restart Windows Movie Maker, and then try to import the file again."
I have no idea what codex is required or where to get it, and of course the
diagnostic message won't tell me even though I suspect it knows.
Solutions ???
Thanks again,
Don Ruckman

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

at this point, go to the Importing Source Files > Video > Video Codecs page
of my website.... and scroll down to the graphs showing some codecs and file
sizes/rendering times...l

just before saving the AVI in VDubMod... pick the compression codec... for
this time don't pick Divx or the Panasonic DV, or uncompressed... pick
something else

the goal here is to use a codec that is already on your system...

audio may be a different challenge...

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -
MM2 Tips and Tricks:
Online Newsletters:


At this point, I am ready to give up on Movie Maker!! I have selected the
following codecs, they all convert and save AVI files which will play via
Media Player, and within VDubMod, but NONE will import to Movie Maker
Cinepak Codec by Radius
MSMPEG-4 Video Codec V1
Divx6.1 (1 logical CPU)
Uncompresed RGB

All give the same (except for the specified Codec) following results when
importing to Movie Maker:

"The file C:\My Videos\TESTDVD!\41 Ford Video-Divx61Avi.avi cannot be
imported because the codec required to play the file is not installed on your
computer. If you have already tried to download and install the codec, close
and restart Windows Movie Maker, and then try to import the file again."

How can the codec not be installed if VDubMod used it to make the AVI file
using that Codec?

I really want to use Movie Maker for the capability of being able to narrate
(voice over) movies.

Could I possibly have a corrupt Movie Maker??
I did, however, just recently made a combined movie from several short
digital camera MPEG clips.

Are there some other switches, settings, etc. that need to be set that I
know nothing about?

You have been a big help, and I am sure there is a solution, however .........
Wish you were sitting at my computer (where are you located ha ha)

Thanks Again,
Don Ruckman

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

I'd try moving a file to a folder that isn't associated with a particular
user... sometimes there are issues other than the one(s) noted in the error

A codec can work with one app and not another...

I'm in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA.... and willing to travel to help.... but
it isn't a free service.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -
MM2 Tips and Tricks:
Online Newsletters:


You said " I'd try moving a file to a folder that isn't associated with a
user... sometimes there are issues other than the one(s) noted in the error
......moving a file..... - What file?
I moved an AVI file to another folder(temp) on my C: drive, still would not
import to MM.
I am the only user.
Sorry, I don't understand the above.
Could you possibly send me an AVI movie file (probably short), perhaps Divx
6.1 codec that you know will import to your MM, that I can try to import to
my MM with the Divx codec on my computer??
(e-mail address removed)
Oh, was just kidding about being here, besides it's been raining for months
in the Seattle area.


Here is some more data to add to the mix. I have 2 DVD player Programs, 1)
PowerDVD by Samsung, and 2) NTI DVD Player by New Tech Infosystems, and both
players will play all the AVI generated files from all the codecs stated
earlier (Divx, Cinepak, MSMPEG-4, MSVIDEO1). Also Media player will play all
the AVI files mentioned; yet MM will not decode the AVI files.
Oh, I tried importing the Divx codec AVI file into MM on my wife's computer,
and same as mine - no go.
I'm not sure if MM updates, if any, are included in Windows Update
notifications, but I am update on all that.
I hate to be a pest, but this is really a pain.
I guess the next obvious question (short of solving this situation), is to
ask if there is another movie editor program, with MM capabilities, out
there, if so what??
Thahks for your response,
Don Ruckman


Ah, I see....... I've been reading for about an hour and I'm still nowhere.
Today I've been on this computer for 6 hours trying to use VOB files, convert
them to use in MM and I'm still nowhere. I downloaded TMPGEnc. Tried
following Papa's instructions but got stuck at

"3 - convert the .m2v file to a DV-AVI file, compressing it with the
Panasonic DV codec. If the .m2v file is 720x480, do it with TMPGEnc. If the
..m2v file is something other than 720x480, such as the 704x480 (or 352x480)
of the Sony camcorder mini-DVDs, use VDubMod to resize it to 720x480 as you
render the DV-AVI using the Panasonic DV codec. "

The pressure to learn this fast is tough to take. I thought Nero 7 would do
this all for me but I'm still after hours of using and trying things,
hopelessly stalled, however that's spelled. I'm wondering if I get the camera
that was used to make this mini DVD and hook it up to my computer, would that
even help? Could I Import directly from the camera to MM?

I sent my relative home after those hours with orders to get me that %*$&%*&
camera so I can see if that works.

I'll be back later. I never give up, I just take breaks. I need OREO COOKIES
and Ice cream!



Hi again Oceana,
Nero will do what you are trying to do but you are going about it the wrong
Open Nero StartSmart.
Make sure the dropdown list at the top is on DVD not CD so you get the DVD
Mouse over the "Photo and Video" Icon.
One of the icons in the main window should be "Convert DVD-Video Movies to
Nero Digital"
Select that.
Now you can rip parts of the video or the entire thing and Nero will save it
as a MPEG4 file.
This file still needs to be converted to AVI for use with Movie Maker but
you already know, if memory serves, how to do that correctly with AVS


Thanks Wojo, I'm going to try that now. I got the camera today that took the
video and I hate to say it but I hate the new cameras. Plus, no one gives me
their book with their cameras so I can't do it easily. I wish my old
camcorder had an i.LINK on it, I'd be set for the most part. Nothing is a
slam dunk when doing this.....more oreos and ice cream in the picture for


It's not working. I used Nero Convert and did what you said, it saved it as
an MP4. Then I tried to use TEMPGEnc to convert it to AVI and it won't do it.
I tried to use PapaJohn's Importing Video Discs html to use TEMPGEnc. I tried
using it on the MP4 files as well as changing the extension to MPG and that
didn't work either.

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