Import reference & Page directive




Does anyone know how to remove (or make more general) both the Imports
clause (in a class .vb file) and the Page directive (specifically the
Inherits clause in a web page .aspx file).

Because we have a test and production region both residing on the same
machine, each time I need to promote a change from test to production I have
to change both of these references.

For example in my test region the class file will contain :-

Imports Test_region_folder.class_folder.class_filename1
Imports Test_region_folder.class_folder.class_filename2
Imports Test_region_folder.class_folder.class_filename3

and the web page will contain :-

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" validateRequest="false"

When I promote these to production I have to change these to :-

Imports Prod_region_folder.class_folder.class_filename1
Imports Prod_region_folder.class_folder.class_filename2
Imports Prod_region_folder.class_folder.class_filename3


<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" validateRequest="false"

As mentioned I'd like to remove the region reference to make it completely
general so that I can put it into any region (as in time we will create a
development region as well).


Craig Deelsnyder


Does anyone know how to remove (or make more general) both the Imports
clause (in a class .vb file) and the Page directive (specifically the
Inherits clause in a web page .aspx file).

Because we have a test and production region both residing on the same
machine, each time I need to promote a change from test to production I have
to change both of these references.

For example in my test region the class file will contain :-

Imports Test_region_folder.class_folder.class_filename1
Imports Test_region_folder.class_folder.class_filename2
Imports Test_region_folder.class_folder.class_filename3

and the web page will contain :-

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" validateRequest="false"

When I promote these to production I have to change these to :-

Imports Prod_region_folder.class_folder.class_filename1
Imports Prod_region_folder.class_folder.class_filename2
Imports Prod_region_folder.class_folder.class_filename3


<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" validateRequest="false"

As mentioned I'd like to remove the region reference to make it completely
general so that I can put it into any region (as in time we will create a
development region as well).

normally your namespaces shouldn't need to be changed. I think this
ended up this way because vb likes to define its namespaces based on the
folder structure of the project.

I guess I don't know what the test and prod regions mean, why are there
different codebases for each? Usually your app should be able to just
be migrated from environment to environment with only web.config changes
(or other config changes) outside the code. Otherwise you're
recompiling and changing code, which from a QA standpoint, even tho it's
minor, is a no-no..

Perhaps if you can explain what this layout is for, we can tell you how
to get away from this process...

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