

Viorel Ghilas

Hi all

I have webserver that share common services and i set in web config
<identity impersonate="true" /> and on IIS I set specific user account that
will be used. The main problem that when the IIS start applicaton and
execute the methods from Global.asax.cs it use ASPNET account but not my,
after that it switch to impersonate account. But in my situation I use WSE2
where I need to check password in UsernameTokenManager for that I need to
connect to DB, but I use SSPI connection (with user from impersonate) that
fail. How to solve this problem, I need trusted connection that use my user
from IIS. I need only one user everywhere, how to do that in
UsernameTokenManager.AuthenticateToken(UsernameToken token) to use
impersonate account ?

with best reagrd

Scott Allen

You could run the ASP.NET worker process under the account you need by
adjusting the <processModel> in machine.config.

Viorel Ghilas

But I need only one webapp and I don't want to write username and password
in clear text in machine config, I think it's not secure.

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