img onClick problem


Jason Chan

I create a webpage contain a table of thumbnails (around 30).
Since the thumbnails is generated on the fly, it take some time to load all
of them, around 15s.

On each image, I have a onClick listener to open the larger version of
thumbnail in a popup window.

If I click one of image when the page is still downloading the remaining,
the popup open but the opener window stop download the remaining. Is it a
normal behavior or I can do something to walk around it?

Some of my code.
<a href="javascript:blush:penImage(1);">
<img alt="" src="getResizedImageByID.aspx?id=1" />

function openImage(FileID)
var winl = (screen.width - 610) / 2;
var wint = (screen.height - 610) / 2;
winprops = 'height=' + 610 + ',width=' + 610 +
win ="","Preview", winprops)
docBody = win.document.body; = "5px 5px 5px 5px";
docBody.innerHTML = "<img src='getResizedImageById.aspx?id=" +
FileID + "&w=600' />";

P.S Brower IE 6

Mr Newbie

why dont you direct the onlick event to a function and have that function
exit unless all the images are loaded ?

Mr Newbie

easy, just use the onLoad event for the IMG

<IMG onLoad="javascript:yourFunction();"

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