Images to database


Steve Peterson


I was hoping that someone could point me in the direction of some articles
on how to get images into a SQL Server database. I have an ASP.NET app where
I need to let the users upload images to the server (that's no problem), but
then I need to get the uploaded image into a table in SQL Server. I then
need to know how to get the binary data out ot the table in SQL & write it
back to the disk as an image file.

If anyone could point me in the right direction to read up on this I would
really appreciate it


Steve Peterson

Thank you Steve for taking the time to reply.

However, the article you recommended:

requires a a log in ID at $39.95 for a subscription, which I'm not going to
fork over just to read one article (nice salesmanship try!)

the other:

is about how to upload files from the client to server, something I already
know how to do. What I need is know is how to get an image into SQL Server,
& how to get it back out...


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