Images gone after SP2 install

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I'm a web designer. I installed SP-2 last week. Since then, any images I
create cannot be viewed in any web browser. Online or offline - all I get
are the little red X's. I can't even see the thumbnails of the images I've
created when I look in "My Computer". The only way I can see the images is
if I open up my image editing program and look at it.

This will *not* work with clients. I need to be able to upload uncorrupt
images and have them seen on the internet - but every image I create is
somehow corrupted. I'm talking JPG's, GIF's and PNG's.

Anyone have an idea of how to fix this? Or should I just uninstall the
service pack? (Which, honestly, is only a band-aid, because as my clients
download and install SP-2, they won't see them anyway.)

I'd appreciate any kind of help.
By the way, I've tried many of the things suggested already - reset my
internet connection, made sure my Internet Options "Show Pictures" item was
checked (and it is), disabled my McAfee firewall...I've done everything I can
think of, nothing works, and this only happens with images I've created since
installing SP-2. I tried using Mozilla Firefox to see if it was
browser-related, and it's not - but at least Mozilla is throwing me a tiny
bone by telling me that my images contain errors (which they didn't, until I
installed this service pack).

Thanks again...
Doodlebee said:
I'm a web designer. I installed SP-2 last week. Since then, any images I
create cannot be viewed in any web browser. Online or offline - all I get
are the little red X's. I can't even see the thumbnails of the images
created when I look in "My Computer". The only way I can see the images
if I open up my image editing program and look at it.

This will *not* work with clients. I need to be able to upload uncorrupt
images and have them seen on the internet - but every image I create is
somehow corrupted. I'm talking JPG's, GIF's and PNG's.

Anyone have an idea of how to fix this? Or should I just uninstall the
service pack? (Which, honestly, is only a band-aid, because as my clients
download and install SP-2, they won't see them anyway.)

I'd appreciate any kind of help.

Your best bet might be to restore your web design images from the backup you
made before installing SP2. (You did back up your working files beforehand,
didn't you?)
Do you have McAfee Privacy Service... if so sign in as
Admin...options....uncheck "Block Ads". That often helps.
Your best bet might be to restore your web design images from the backup you
made before installing SP2. (You did back up your working files beforehand,
didn't you?)

Actually, no. (Yay me.) The service pack was actually installed for me by
a scheduled regular automatic update - so it wasn't a planned thing.

That aside, all of my files from beforehand are fine, there are no issues
and no need to restore anything. It's only new images I've created since the
SP-2 install. *Something* about the service pack has made any image I create
go corrupt on me. I can see it and edit it fine in the program, but once I
exit that program, I can't see anything. Uploaded or offline, they just show
up as broken images.
Have you tried re-installing the image editing software? I'd recommend
trying that before uninstalling SP2. Although many people have had problems
with SP2, it has many good security updates. I don't know what program
you're using to edit images, is it on Microsoft's list of software with
known issues regarding SP2?

Jim W.
Peter said:
Do you have McAfee Privacy Service<

No, I don't - it was a good thought, though.

Jim W. said:
I don't know what program you're using to edit images, is it on Microsoft's list of software with known issues regarding SP2?<

I'm using Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8, and no, it's not on the list.

I've played around with some things, and I don't know what I did, but now I
can see PNG files. However, JPG's are invisible. I read, somewhere, that
there was some kind of new thing where JPG's could be used to send out spam
or something - something about being embedded in the image itself? I'm
wondering if that may have something to do with it.

I've also written an e-Mail to Jasc...hopefully they can give me some
information. But if anyone else has any ideas, I'd appreciate it.
Meanwhile, whatever I hear from them, I'll be sure to post it here.