Hi guys,
I am trying to do a simple task: convert bitmap to raw and back to
bitmap as fast as possible.
Here are the 2 methods I am using:
private byte[] ToRaw(Bitmap bmp)
BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(new Point(0,
0), bmp.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bmp.PixelFormat);
byte[] buffer = new byte[data.Height * data.Width * 3];
Marshal.Copy(data.Scan0, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return buffer;
private Bitmap ToBitmap(byte[] raw, int w, int h, PixelFormat
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(w, h, pf);
BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(new Point(0,
0), bmp.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, pf);
Marshal.Copy(raw, 0, data.Scan0, raw.Length);
return bmp;
It works perfectly to any image with width less than 700 pixels or
more than 799 pixels.
The strangest thing happens to a bitmap with width of 701 to 799. It
simply returns the image a little distorted, and I have no clue why.
BTW, if I use simple bitmap.GetPixel / SetPixel it works, but it takes
a lot of time.
Any idea is appreciated.
I am trying to do a simple task: convert bitmap to raw and back to
bitmap as fast as possible.
Here are the 2 methods I am using:
private byte[] ToRaw(Bitmap bmp)
BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(new Point(0,
0), bmp.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bmp.PixelFormat);
byte[] buffer = new byte[data.Height * data.Width * 3];
Marshal.Copy(data.Scan0, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return buffer;
private Bitmap ToBitmap(byte[] raw, int w, int h, PixelFormat
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(w, h, pf);
BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(new Point(0,
0), bmp.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, pf);
Marshal.Copy(raw, 0, data.Scan0, raw.Length);
return bmp;
It works perfectly to any image with width less than 700 pixels or
more than 799 pixels.
The strangest thing happens to a bitmap with width of 701 to 799. It
simply returns the image a little distorted, and I have no clue why.
BTW, if I use simple bitmap.GetPixel / SetPixel it works, but it takes
a lot of time.
Any idea is appreciated.