Image Stretch While Printing



I am having troubles with images on my sheet. I have 18 Images on a sheet 6
Wide and 3 deep. (Sheet set Horizontal) and whenever i Print the page the
images stretch to about 110% wider than shown on screen. The height doesnt
change just the width.

What am i doing wrong?


Dennis Tucker

I would check two things.

1. Page Setup:page properties
You do not want the "Fit to" option.

2. Each image's Format Picture properties.
On the Properties tab, you want the "Don't move or size with cells"

Hope it helps.



I believe that there is no solution for this. I found that it was a constant
10% and that the only way i could get it printing correctly is to shrink the
image 10% in the Horizontal plane when adding the image to the page.

I really think that this is a bug in Excel 2007, Something that slipped
under the radar. (Along with the RecordMacro)

THanks for the suggestions though

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