Image gallery with DataGrid



Hi everyone!

I want to do da Image gallery using just the datagrid, this one will dilpays
only images, no text, that means that it will have about 4 Collumns that will
displays just images from the same database table, from the same collumn of
the table. However I could not reproduce this, since each Row (with 4
collumns) displays 4 times the same image. How can i fix it?

here is a part of the code:

<asp:Image Runat='server' ID='thumb' Width='140' Height='110' ImageUrl='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "path") %'></asp:Image>
<asp:Image Runat='server' ID="Image1" Width='140' Height='110' ImageUrl='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "path") %'></asp:Image>
<asp:Image Runat='server' ID="Image2" Width='140' Height='110' ImageUrl='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "path") %'></asp:Image>
<asp:Image Runat='server' ID="Image3" Width='140' Height='110' ImageUrl='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "path") %'></asp:Image>

Just not to post other topic: The datasource of this datagrid is "created"
when the user clicks on the button of an Album. Since an Album can contains
many photos, I'll use paging in this datagrid, however when I click on the
pagers, the datagrid disspears.


Dim cm As New Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT id, [path],[desc] FROM
fotos WHERE [album]=?", cn)
'' Dim ds As New Data.DataSet
cm.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("album", ddlAlbum.SelectedValue)
' Stop
dgImg.DataSource = ds

The PageIndexChanged event is also done:
If e.NewPageIndex >= 0 Then
dgImg.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex
End If

Any help would be very apprecciated.

Thanks in advance


Hi there,

In order to page datagrid, you have to rebind the datagrid's data source.

dgImg.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex
dgImg.DataSource = ds

The ds can be got either by requering DB, or in the first query to save ds
in Session, then retrieve it from Session.

If you have more questions, please let us know.


Elton Wang
(e-mail address removed)

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