DotNetJunkies User

Hello everyone:

Ok here is a very weird problem I am having and I hope that some of you can share some thoughts with me on this.

First of all, let me start by listing what I have:

1.- Windows Server 2003 - Standard Edition
2.- IIS 6.0

I have 2 different web sites running on this box,

a) sitenumberone.com


b) test.sitenumberone.com

Both sites are running independently, different sites, different data for each one. If it counts, both sites are running under .NET and C#.

I have installed a secure certificate in both of them, for site a) the certificate is issued to the same domain, i.e sitenumberone.com

For site b) also the certificate has been issue to the same domain for site b), in this case, test.sitenumberone.com

Both certificates were loaded properly and are valid.

Now, here is the strange thing:

1.- When I try to connect to site a) https://sitenumberone.com it works just fine.

2.- When I try to connect to site b) https://test.sitenumberone.com I get redirected RIGHT away to site a) and obviously I get a pop-up message saying that the certifcate doesn't match the domain I am trying to access.
But hey, I requested site b), and why I am getting redirected right away to site a), why is that?

I don't have any redirections at the script level. Besides, I even try to do this:


I will expect from the above URL to go to a 404 error page saying that this page doesn't exist BUT I would expect to be in a secure page for site b) test.sitenumberone.com and not site a)
Instead I go to a 404 error page BUT on site a)

So conclusion: So far, I see that there is a redirection problem somewhere, I know that is has nothing to do with the DNS because if the site is not secure, HTTPS, and I try to access it via HTTP it works FINE each one.

The problem appears when I use HTTPS. And accessing site a) works but accessing site b) redirects to site a).

To make it more bizarre, here is what I did, I stopped site a) and tried to access site a). I was expecting to get nothing because I stopped the webserver for site a). Instead, I got redirected to site b) and I got the error popup message saying that I was trying to access a certificate that doesn't match etc....

Hope you get the picture, any ideas what is wrong? Is IIS really screw up? Is this a huge bug? any ideas will be greatly appreciated.


A. Elamiri

The message popping up is probably from the Common Name, if the URL in the
certificate doesn't match the URL then that error will come up

Abdellah Elamiri
..net Developer
Efficacy through simplicity
DotNetJunkies User said:
Hello everyone:

Ok here is a very weird problem I am having and I hope that some of you
can share some thoughts with me on this.
First of all, let me start by listing what I have:

1.- Windows Server 2003 - Standard Edition
2.- IIS 6.0

I have 2 different web sites running on this box,

a) sitenumberone.com


b) test.sitenumberone.com

Both sites are running independently, different sites, different data for
each one. If it counts, both sites are running under .NET and C#.
I have installed a secure certificate in both of them, for site a) the
certificate is issued to the same domain, i.e sitenumberone.com
For site b) also the certificate has been issue to the same domain for
site b), in this case, test.sitenumberone.com
Both certificates were loaded properly and are valid.

Now, here is the strange thing:

1.- When I try to connect to site a) https://sitenumberone.com it works just fine.

2.- When I try to connect to site b) https://test.sitenumberone.com I get
redirected RIGHT away to site a) and obviously I get a pop-up message saying
that the certifcate doesn't match the domain I am trying to access.
But hey, I requested site b), and why I am getting redirected right away to site a), why is that?

I don't have any redirections at the script level. Besides, I even try to do this:


I will expect from the above URL to go to a 404 error page saying that
this page doesn't exist BUT I would expect to be in a secure page for site
b) test.sitenumberone.com and not site a)
Instead I go to a 404 error page BUT on site a)

So conclusion: So far, I see that there is a redirection problem
somewhere, I know that is has nothing to do with the DNS because if the site
is not secure, HTTPS, and I try to access it via HTTP it works FINE each
The problem appears when I use HTTPS. And accessing site a) works but
accessing site b) redirects to site a).
To make it more bizarre, here is what I did, I stopped site a) and tried
to access site a). I was expecting to get nothing because I stopped the
webserver for site a). Instead, I got redirected to site b) and I got the
error popup message saying that I was trying to access a certificate that
doesn't match etc....
Hope you get the picture, any ideas what is wrong? Is IIS really screw up?
Is this a huge bug? any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
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