IIS to run ASP.NET ver 1.1 ?




I just started with ASP.NET so pls be patient :)
I create a new ASP.NET Web Application and right away VS gives me an error:

"Visual Studio .NET has detected that the specified web server is not
running ASP.NET version 1.1. You will be unable to run ASP.NET Web
applications or services."

I have Win2k Pro and IIS installed from the same Win2k CD. Web Server is
What might be the problem? Do i need somehow add .NET ability to IIS?

May be those are silly questions, but i've never had experience with either
IIS or ASP.NET (previousely i worked with Tomcat WS + J2EE).

Thank you for any ideas!
Andrey aka Muzzy


Ok, i just loked at IIS Server log and found how to register ASP.NET for

Just run: aspnet_regiis.exe /i


I've ran ASP.NET registration to enable ASP.NET for IIS:

aspnet_regiis.exe /i

It says that ASP.NET is installed, but still the same problem in VS.NET :(

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