IIS Setup Guru Wannabe Question



Just a question that I keep forgetting to ask "off-topic" to others in the same
field of work or hobby...

Yes, I know this isn't a group specific question, but would like to know how
y'all setup yer IIS applications, whether it be a .Net Web Application, or an
older ASP X.X application.

Under IIS, you can add sites (if you have the right Server installed) as well as
add applications under each web site. Multiple web sites with multiple web
applications under each site. First off, here is what I have:

Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server (2 machines, Production and Development).
IIS with all the neat little patches required to keep it healthy.... (microsoft
1 Web Site

Now, under the web site, we create a new application for each Intranet
application that we are developing or have developed. Is this how it *should* be
done? Or should it be that each Intranet application we create should have it's
own Web Site? I can see how that can become really expensive for all the
licensing on a per website basis but would like to know how it *should* be done
rather than how we have it working.

That's all :)



I only use a new website when I need to assign a different domain name as
this requires a unique IP address (unless host headers are used). It is also
good for load balancing if you have multiple network interfaces, or you want
to provide a web site to one network and not another... also, it means your
logfiles are as little easier to go through.

IIS applications are used to seperate the processes and memory space of each
logical section of your overall web system... so if the code in 1 IIS app
has problems it theoretically wont disrupt any of the others... also, the
state data held by the ASP Application object is available only to the IIS
application that hosts it.

What I do is break a web system (say, ecommerce) down into separate logical
entities and then create an IIS application for each. In the case of an
intranet you could have a online procurement application, an HR application,
and say an online helpdesk application. Each functions as a seperate unit
and so should be in it's own application, therefore receiving it's own
memory space and able to run it's own processes and threads. These will be
protected from the other applications so if one goes down the rest keep
going. That's the theory anyway... lots of other things can go wrong that
cause the lot to die but thats another story...

You could extend this concept to the website level and have a website for
each division of the company, each containing applications relating to that

One thing I don't recommend you do is use the default web site... a lot of
IIS vulnerabilities rely on the default site being left insecure.

Not sure about your licensing comment... are licenses required for IIS?

This didn't really answer the question but it might highlight some of the
reasons you could go either way...


Jeff Cochran

Just a question that I keep forgetting to ask "off-topic" to others in the same
field of work or hobby...

Might not be off topic if you ask in the IIS groups. It's quite far
off topic in a VBScript group.


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