IIf and Trim



Hi. I have a snippet of sql that I'm trying to modify.

Here's my example: John Doe and Susie Anderson are spouses. I've been
listing their names using:
(IIf(Len(Trim([SO Name]) & "")=0,Trim([Member Name]),Trim([Member Name] & "
& " & [SO Name]))) AS JointName
(this allows singles to still have a JointName, which is their single name)

However, if Susie is PrimaryFamilyMember = Yes, I want the name order to be
Susie Anderson and John Doe.

I'm trying to figure out how to say If Contacts.PrimaryFamilyMember <>0,
have JointName be Trim([Member Name] & " & " & [SO Name]
otherwise JointName should be Trim([SO Name] & " & " & [Member Name]

I'd appreicate assistance navigating IIf. Thanks for your time.

[MVP] S.Clark

I don't care much for IIF.

I would use an Append query to write all of the Primary people into a temp
table. Then, gather the spouse data into some other columns. With the
report setup correctly, the primary will always be listed first.

Tom Lake

I'm trying to figure out how to say If Contacts.PrimaryFamilyMember said:
have JointName be Trim([Member Name] & " & " & [SO Name]
otherwise JointName should be Trim([SO Name] & " & " & [Member Name]

I'd appreicate assistance navigating IIf. Thanks for your time.

JointName = IIf(Contacts.PrimaryFamilyMember <>0, Trim([Member Name] & " & "
& [SO Name], Trim([SO Name] & " & " & [Member Name])

Tom Lake

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