Ignoring Cells through IF Functions


Hamed parhizkar

In cell A1 i have 200, in cell A2 I have 250

In cell A3 I have an if function =if(a1<>0,A1,"")&if(A2<>0,A2,"")

My question is, can I make a formula to say that if A2 is 0 then it would
ignore cell A1... So if A2 is blank, then my output would be blank???

Hamed parhizkar

This works but the problem with this is, I have more formulas in this cell
after this if function, so when a2 is 0 then it blanks out the rest of the
cell, I need the rest of the formula to work even if it zero's out.


You can programaticly do this through an if, elseif, else statement. You'll
have to be more specific if you want more specific help.

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