Ignore words without using Custom Dictionary



Once I mark a word to be ignored all times for a specific document, Word
sometimes ignores it everytime I open the document and use spell check on
that document. However for some documents it will not ignore the words
previously marked "Ignore all" everytime I open the document. How do I
control this behavior? without creating a custom dictionary?

Basically how do I control marking of the "Ignore all words" for that
document without creating a custom dictionary. This feature seems to work
erratically i.e. sometimes works and sometimes does not. How do I control
its behavior?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?anphdmVyaTAw?=,
Once I mark a word to be ignored all times for a specific document, Word
sometimes ignores it everytime I open the document and use spell check on
that document. However for some documents it will not ignore the words
previously marked "Ignore all" everytime I open the document. How do I
control this behavior? without creating a custom dictionary?

Basically how do I control marking of the "Ignore all words" for that
document without creating a custom dictionary. This feature seems to work
erratically i.e. sometimes works and sometimes does not. How do I control
its behavior?
As far as I know, there's no other interface you can use for this. "Ignore
all words" is connected to something else (I can't remember what that is, at
the moment). So something could well be resetting the spell check in some of
your documents.

It is possible to create more than one custom dictionary and choose which to
load (and to add new words to) dynamically. To make this easier to manage
(not have to go through Tools/Options...), you could use macros.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

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