iframe.dll broblem



I installed ie7 beta to test how our development sites work with new browser.
After install i had error message "iframe.dll not found".
I uninstalled ie7 and still iframe.dll not found.
I tried to install ie6 again, but cant install it anymore.
cant go to microsoft update... browser wont work...

How can i install ie6 again?

Don Varnau

When you uninstalled IE7, IE6 should have been there. You should not have to
reinstall IE6.

I don't have iframe.dll with either IE6 or IE7. I'm wondering if a
third-party program installed iframe.dll on your system. You might try this
troubleshooting method to see which program is looking for iframe.dll:
276393 - Understanding and Troubleshooting Unrecoverable Errors (Faults) in
Internet Explorer: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=276393

When does the error message "iframe.dll not found" appear?

Can you access Internet Explorer if you startup in Safe Mode with

Could iframe.dll be malware related?
See these sites for help with malware:
The Parasite Fight http://www.aumha.org/a/quickfix.htm
Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites:
Malware Removal and Prevention Overview - CastleCopsWiki:
Bugs, Glitches & Stuffups: http://www.mvps.org/inetexplorer/Darnit.html
Removing Malware:
What you can do about spyware and other unwanted software:

Hope this helps,

Robert Aldwinckle

"Don Varnau" <don_04[at]varnau[dot]org> wrote in message
I don't have iframe.dll with either IE6 or IE7.

I didn't even notice that. I just assumed it was another ieframe.dll
incident. Given the other typo in the Subject line it seemed like
a safe assumption. <w>

E.g. probably the new version of iexplore.exe is still there
but due to some perhaps ill-advised repair attempt
none of the supporting IE7 .dlls remain.

I have suggested to others before that they try diagnosing
the specific details for their symptom but haven't had a reply.

Oops. I guess I'm thinking of threads in private newsgroups.
Google can't find one that I am remembering (better than the one
in ie6.setup.) <w>

Hmm... try this for a hypothesis to fit the facts as given so far:

I'm still assuming that meant ieframe.dll ... not found <w>

Was a reboot not done to copy the new system .dlls?
That might have left the new iexplore.exe in %ProgramFiles%
without its supporting .dlls.

Or was some "security software" active at the time of install
preventing the install of the new .dlls into the System32 directory?




Don Varnau

"Don Varnau" <don_04[at]varnau[dot]org> wrote in message
I don't have iframe.dll with either IE6 or IE7.

Robert Aldwinckle said:
I didn't even notice that. I just assumed it was another ieframe.dll
incident. Given the other typo in the Subject line it seemed like
a safe assumption. <w>

Thanks. That's a very logical assumption. ;-)



Don Varnau said:
"Don Varnau" <don_04[at]varnau[dot]org> wrote in message
I don't have iframe.dll with either IE6 or IE7.

Robert Aldwinckle said:
I didn't even notice that. I just assumed it was another ieframe.dll
incident. Given the other typo in the Subject line it seemed like
a safe assumption. <w>

Thanks. That's a very logical assumption. ;-)


Sorry, i mean ieframe.dll

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