IF Worksheet Function



I've created the following formula,
=IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C00",F3<=6)," /22","0"),
IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C01",F3<=6)," /22","0"),
IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C02",F3<=6)," /22","0"),
IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C03",F3<=6)," /22","0"),
IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C04",F3<=6)," /22","0"),
IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C05",F3<=6)," /22","0")

The first expression from =sign to )parenthesis, works well, however, when I
add the additional expressions, I get the following result #VALUE!. I need to
know how to make this work to allow me to obtain a variety of TRUE results. I
will need to add approximately 100 expressions. If these is a more efficient
way to accomplish this, I'm all ears. All suggestions are welcome.


Each IF() is a complete standalone & you've tried to put them together
separated by commas. So, the first two should be combined like so:

=IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C00",F3<=6)," /22",IF(AND(D3="Back
Up",E3="ABCD04C01",F3<=6)," /22", - next if() - and so on

However, everything you've listed can (almost) be simplified to this:

=IF(AND(D3="Back Up",left(E3,8)="ABCD04C0",F3<=6),"10.10."&right(E3,1)&".0

The (almost) is there because the left 8 characters of E3 might fit the
pattern but not meet one of your specified conditions.

Another way to do this would be to list the possible E3 entries in one
column and the desired result in the adjacent, right-hand column. Then your
formula could be:

=IF(AND(D3="Back Up",F3<=6),VLOOKUP(E3, two-column range, 2,0,"")


You can only have up to 7 nested if staements, but you can probably simplify
your equation a bunch.
From this example it looks as though D3 must alsways = "Back Up" and F3
always must be <= 6
ir looks like E3 is "ABCD04C" plus a 2 digit number.
and it looks like the output is always "10.10.X.0/22" where x is the two
digit number from E3 +1 with no leading zeros.
(This doesn't fit with you saying you need to add about hundred more
conditions but)

Ron Rosenfeld

I've created the following formula,
=IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C00",F3<=6)," /22","0"),
IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C01",F3<=6)," /22","0"),
IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C02",F3<=6)," /22","0"),
IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C03",F3<=6)," /22","0"),
IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C04",F3<=6)," /22","0"),
IF(AND(D3="Back Up",E3="ABCD04C05",F3<=6)," /22","0")

The first expression from =sign to )parenthesis, works well, however, when I
add the additional expressions, I get the following result #VALUE!. I need to
know how to make this work to allow me to obtain a variety of TRUE results. I
will need to add approximately 100 expressions. If these is a more efficient
way to accomplish this, I'm all ears. All suggestions are welcome.

So far as this formula is concerned, your syntax is messed up as others have
pointed out.

However, your approach seems inefficient.

For example, given what you have posted, a more efficient approach would be to
use a lookup function. For example:

=IF(AND(D3="Back Up", F3<=6),VLOOKUP (your_string,lookup_table,2,FALSE),0)

lookup_table would be a list of your strings followed by the corresponding

ABCD04C00 /22
ABCD04C01 /22
ABCD04C02 /22



First of all, Thanks bj for your reply..


I regularly make a spreadsheet for each project I work on, which can vary
from 3 to 200 rows.
Each row describes a different network connection, and as you see this can
be time consuming.
Therefore, I'll be using the finished formula in each row. I hope this
additional info will make things clearer.

Please note:

D3(Type of connection e.g. Back Up-1, RIB, DH-1) will have a total of about
10 different conditions, populated by drop down.
E3(Name of switch e.g. ABCDxxxxxxx) will have approx 100 different
conditions, where "ABCD" plus 5-7 digit number.
F3(Card in switch e.g.xx/port) will have a total of 15 different 1-2 digit
G3(Ports on card card/xx) will have a total of 48 different 1-2 digit
H3(various IP segments e.g.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx /xx) will have approx 100
different conditions.

Various combinations of D3 - G3, needs to produce any one of 100 specific H3
so the same combinations will always produce the same output.

Thanks for your help, again.


First of all, Thanks Duke for your reply..


I regularly make a spreadsheet for each project I work on, which can vary
from 3 to 200 rows.
Each row describes a different network connection. And as you see, this can
be time consuming.
Therefore, I'll be using the finished formula in each row. Here is
additional info to make things clearer.

Please note:

D3(Type of connection e.g. Back Up-1, RIB, DH-1) will have a total of about
10 different conditions, populated by drop down.
E3(Name of switch e.g. ABCDxxxxxxx) will have approx 100 different
conditions, where "ABCD" plus 5-7 digit number.
F3(Card in switch e.g.xx/port) will have a total of 15 different 1-2 digit
G3(Ports on card card/xx) will have a total of 48 different 1-2 digit
H3(various IP segments e.g.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx /xx) will have approx 100
different conditions.

Various combinations of D3 - G3, needs to produce any one of 100 specific H3
so the same combinations will always produce the same output.

Thanks for your help, again.

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