If Statment for Validation of a Cell



Here is an example of what i am trying to do.

In one cell i have created a drop down list lets call it "Menu" In this drop
down list we have "appetizers, soups, entrees, drinks, desert" what i would
like to do next and what i am having some difficulty with is to create a drop
down list in the next cell that is dependant on the selection in the "Menu"
For instance if "appetizers" is selected from the "Menu" then in the
neighboring cell i will be able to select from a list of appetizers, however
if drinks was selected, i would be able to select from a list of drinks.

If anyone has any advice please help, if i have not described it clearly and
you think you may be able to help let me know and i can try to clarify.



Hi, easy way:
for each main item, like apetizers, soups, etc. create special dependent
list. For instance: apetizers dependends will be apetizerA, apetizerB,
apetizerC. Name this dependent list apetizers, e.g. higlight the area of ur
dependent list and then label it (insert a name for it). Same for soups and
so on. Let's say in ur dropdown u choose from ur main list apetizers in A1.
In B1 create data validation->from list->set source data as =indirect(A1)

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