If Statement



I want to create a code to put into a macro that does this:

IF the value in column I is less than 7 Then Delete the cells within that
row from Column E to Column J and shift the rows to the right over into their

Kinda wierd, I know. Don't ask :) Am I way off to try an If statement,
or should I go a different route? THANKS!!!


Try this:

If Selection.Value < 7 Then
Range("E" & Selection.Row & ":" & "J" & Selection.Row).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
End If


sub DeleteStuff()

Dim lastrow as Long, i as Long
Dim cell as Range

lastrow = cells(rows.count,"I").end(xlup).row
fori = lastrow to 1 step - 1
set cell = cells(i,"I")
if isnumeric(cell) then
if cell < 7 then
cell.offset(0,-4).Resize(1,6).Delete shift:=xlShiftLeft
end if
end if
end sub

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