If Statement with VLookup



I have the following scenario:

I am doing a Vlookup (by Product #) to bring in Volume in Lbs. Now, I need
to convert this into number of units. So for example: If Product # 1234 has
a total volume of 1,000 lbs. and I know that each bag of this product is 5
lbs. then total number of bags is 200.

Is there a way I can combine these two functions in one cell. So, do a
Vlookup and if it finds the Volume then divide it by #of lbs. per unit:

Product SKU Volume (in lbs.) lbs per Unit
Vlookup Cell
1234 100,000 200

3256 125,000 500

Hope to hear back from you soon. Thanks.



Something like:


Replace 1234 by cell containing the Product #

A:C contains your lookup table

A=Product #
C=ibs per unit


Don Guillett

If i properly understand. one way if


Thanks for your email from last week. You almost answered my question!!
Let me clarify my original query:

My lookup table (Sheet 1) contains:
A: Product #
B: Total numbers of lbs.

My main table (Sheet 2) [where the vlookup function resides] has the

A: Product #
B: # of Units

So, let's say, in Column C (in Sheet 2) I am trying to write a vlookup
formula that will look up Product # in Sheet 1 and return the Total number of
lbs. I want to incorporate the additional formula where if it finds the
lookup value then it divides the Total number of lbs. by the # of units.
That's what I am looking for: Lookup A1 in Sheet1 A:B, return B but divide it
by # of units.

Hope this helps. Thanks .


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