If statement to replace #VALUE! code



Hi Experts:

I know this is fundamental to formulas, but I'm doing something wrong..N20
returns #VALUE! if N21 is Blank......I want to it to state:

If Cell N21 is Blank, Insert 0:00:00

The existing formula that I want to add this statement to is:


Can anyone help?



I spoke too soon....It's true that it did give me the 0:00, but I didn't
make my question clear enough....I also want it to return the formulated
value other than 0:00:00 if it exists....Example:

If N21 is blank, return 0.00, but if N21 is 6:53:32, return that result
value of the formula: =ROUND(TRIM(N21)*1440,0)/60

Does that make sense?

Thank you for your help,

Peo Sjoblom

It does, you just have to make sure the cell with the formula is formatted
as time



Peo Sjoblom

Excel 95 - Excel 2007
Northwest Excel Solutions
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