IF statement to activate worksheet & select Range



Hi All,

I have a Workbook (don't we all if we're looking for help here), with a
worksheet at the end that I have several command buttons on. The first
command button will insert a new worksheet that uses a variable as part of
the naming (i.e. Rename to "Formula Sheet #" & <variable>) and inserts the
sheet before the "command button sheet." It is working successfully as far
as inserting and naming goes. I have the varible declared in the Public area
so I can use it for the rest of the buttons.

The rest of the buttons have a macro attached to them with an IF statement.
They are supposed to activate Formula Sheet #<variable> and using the IF at
this point select a range based on the criteria. The code for the whole
thing is as follows

Worksheets("Formula Sheet #" & FormSheet).Activate
If LeftRight / 2 = FormatNumber(LeftRight / 2, 0) Then
FirstRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(2, 0).Row
FirstCol = Cells(FirstRow, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Range(Cells(FirstRow, FirstCol), Cells(FirstRow + 6, FirstCol + 2)).Select
FirstRow = Cells(FirstRow, FirstCol).End(xlUp).Offset(2, 0).Row
FirstCol = Cells(FirstRow, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(0,
Range(Cells(FirstRow, FirstCol), Cells(FirstRow + 6, FirstCol + 2)).Select
End If

The IF portion determines where the range will be selected based on whether
or not LeftRight is even/odd. Basically the "odd" time any of the "range
selection buttons" are used the group of cells to the far left will be
selected and merged where an even LeftRight will select the range a couple of
cells to the right of the previous range and merge it. The problem I am
having is that if I have 'Worksheets("Formula Sheet #" & FormSheet).Activate'
statement in there I get an error. I've tried putting it in various
locations and still get the same error. If I leave it out, the Ranges on the
command button sheet get selected and merged in the same manner as I want the
ranges on the Formula Sheet to be selected and merged.

Also, I have tried moving the actual Range Selection statement to a location
outside of the IF Then but get a 400 error. If anyone has any ideas on how
to activate the formula sheet and select the ranges based on the LeftRight
idea please let me know. All the variable are public so they can be used
with any of the command buttons.




Hi Chaz,

What is the text of the error message that you get?

Add an error handler to your code


put this at the top of your program, right after the
procedure declaration (skip a line first for better readability)

On Error GoTo Proc_Err

... then your statements

put this at the end of the program

On Error Resume Next
'release object variables if any
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description, , _
"ERROR " & Err.Number _
& " ProcedureName"

'press F8 to step through code and debug
'remove next line after debugged
Stop: Resume
Resume Proc_Exit


instead of
Worksheets("Formula Sheet #" & FormSheet).Activate

try this:
Sheets("Formula Sheet #" & FormSheet).Select

If you get an error, check the value of FormSheet when the
code Stops (hover over the variable with your mouse and look
at what pops up)

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


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