I have a formula in a sheet
=IF(OR(A36="",A36<=0),"",VLOOKUP(A36,'CoO table'!$B$6:$G$999,5,0))
this returns a blank if a 0 or blank is in the corresponding cell and
does a VLOOKUP routine if other.
I want to include returning a blank if a text entry is in A36 It is
only numbers where I want to perform the VLOOKUP routine.
Kind Regards
=IF(OR(A36="",A36<=0),"",VLOOKUP(A36,'CoO table'!$B$6:$G$999,5,0))
this returns a blank if a 0 or blank is in the corresponding cell and
does a VLOOKUP routine if other.
I want to include returning a blank if a text entry is in A36 It is
only numbers where I want to perform the VLOOKUP routine.
Kind Regards