IF statement inside a SUMIF statement.... or alternative method



I'm just not sure whether this is possible or not.

Can I create a function that goes as below:


It seems when I insert an IF statement inside a SUMIF statement, Excel
returns #VALUE! If this is not allowed, how do I get around this problem?


the sumif already has the criteria, what do you want to achieve, please post
an example

T. Valko


SUMIF can't be used like that.

Try explaining in words what you want to do.

Paul C

you may have you criteria in the wrong order

SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range]) is the correct format.

Your IF statement would need to evaluate to a range (both when true or
false) to work as you have written your formula. It is possible to have a if
statement return a range (using the offset function would work), but there is
likely an easier way.

You did not provide much detail so I cannot give you a definate answer, but
can offer the following advice.

If you wish to sum something based on multiple criteria (for example sum up
all values in c1:c10 where column A=1 and B="Yes") you could do this in two

If you have Excel 2007 use the SUMIFS function which allows for multiple
criteria or
use a sumproduct function with conditions.

the formula =Sumproduct(--(A1:a10=1),(b1:b10="Yes"),C1:C10) would work.

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