IF statement help



I am working on an If statement that shows a "yes" or "no" depending if
it is <= or >= to one percent. This is what I have and it works fine.


The problem is that column G is just the range of numbers, and it must
reference another column that has a list. For example, "45-019" would
be in the current worksheet as one instance(d3) but this number can be
repeated again say in cell D8. Another worksheet has all of the list
of numbers in column A that will be used.
Is it even possible to include the list from the other worksheet for
each instance on the worksheet with the formulas and still keep the
above statement? If so, can someone please help?


Your formula doesn't really work fine, as you are saying that if G3=1
return both 'yes' and 'no'. You also nested IF statements that reall
aren't necessary. Try this instead:

=IF('Funding'!$G3<=1%,"yes","no!") which will return "no!" for an
value greater than 1%

As for the rest of your question, I don't understand what it is you ar
looking for. If you could be more specific with details, please
someone may be able to give some ideas for solutions.

Good Luck



Thank you, that did shorten the IF statement. I think I may need a
Lookup function because if I type in =LOOKUP(D3,List) in another cell,
it will return the value I need. "List is the range of cells that
include all of the numbers in the 'funding' worksheet.

This is what I have, but it does not work:

It's basically the 'funding' worksheet has one instance of a
number(column A) and on that worksheet is the percent (column G) that
can be negative or positive. The other worksheet has that same number
from Column A from the 'funding' worksheet put in Column D of the 'Log'
Worksheet. In column I of the 'Log' Worksheet is where the "yes" or
"no" value goes. I hope this makes sense. I've tried seeing this as a
puzzle, but to me its a puzzle with a missing piece.

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