if range b6:n6 has no content, return A6



Would welcome assistance to determine which function I use to check whether a
range of cells have any content or not, then return a text string from
another cell, if not?

T. Valko

What should happen if there is content?

Try something like this:


You need to define what you want for do_something.


What do you want to do if the range *does* contain data?

=If (B6:N6="",A6,"What To Do Here?")


Forgot to mention that the formula is an *array* formula.
Array formulas must be entered with CSE, <Ctrl> <Shift > <Enter>, instead of
the regular <Enter>, which will *automatically* enclose the formula in curly
brackets, which *cannot* be done manually.
You *must also* use CSE when revising the formula.


Really appreciate your replies. OK, I've tried both suggestions on a row
where A4 contains text and there is no content in range B4:O4, with following

=IF(B4:O4="",A4,"") entered as an array, returns no display.
=IF(COUNTA(B4:O4),"",A4) entered as normal function , or as an array,
returns no display
I'm trying to draw out a list of items (Col A) which have no action listed
against them in the columns to their right (B:O) Is it the 'do_something/what
to do here' argument that I'm not grasping?

David Biddulph

Are you sure that the cells are actually empty, and that they don't have
spaces or empty strings in them? Check them with ISTEXT.


Yep, that was it. Couldn't see anything, but cleared all the contents of
these cells to be on the safe side and both these clever formulas worked
perfectly...thanks, David.


I should have added that, although both formulas worked effectively, they
returned differing result:
=IF(B4:O4="",A4,"") entered as an array, returned A4 if ANY cell in the
range had no content.
=IF(COUNTA(B4:O4),"",A4) entered as normal function, returned A4 oly if ALL
cells in the range had no content.

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