if MS02-050, 329115 Cert Valid Flaw was applied on W2KSP4 IE5.5SP2, then...


Rick Chauvin

Am I reading this right? My eyes and brain are a sieve today I guess..

MS02-050 329115 Certificate Validation Flaw

If the MS02-050 329115 Certificate Validation Flaw was applied on
W2K "SP4" "IE5.5SP1 or 2"
...and then if you install IE6SP1.. it regresses the little MS02-050 329115
patch according to revision v5 on the article ...and you
have to reinstall the whole SP4 again..? Is that true?
Has anyone come across this specific issue before and know that it's true
rather than reading the article for the first time like I just to try and
figure it out?


Rick Chauvin

....gosh, sometimes you have to admit these articles the way they are worded
from one detailed technician to the other can be mistaken or misread to
mean one thing - when it actually means another.

What I was thinking is that it was telling me I have to reinstall SP4 again
if I had installed IE6SP1 on top of W2K anyIE, but what it really means I now
think is that I just need to reinstall the SP4 version of that 'particular'
patch if I install IE6SP1..

This is the quote below I got hung up on and caused me to make my original
post, but upon reading again it's to reinstall the updated version of the SP4
patch and not SP4 again itself. The original W2K SP4 can also be called a
security patch too and that's what I thought it meant ......beat me if i'm
wrong :)

"Version 5.0 of the bulletin, released on 11 November 2003. This version
announced an updated Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) security
patch. This revised patch corrects a regression that may occur during the
installation of Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Service Pack 1 on systems
using Windows 2000 Service Pack (SP4). This regression removes the update
that is discussed in this bulletin and that is provided as part of Windows
2000 SP4. Customers who use Windows 2000 SP4 and then installed Internet
Explorer 6.0 Service Pack 1 should apply the updated Windows 2000 SP4
security patch to help protect from this vulnerability."

Rick Chauvin

...an extra tidbit,
hey one little mistake I found in the article is that it says 329115 is for
WXP but doesn't mention WXPSP1 - but yes it does need to be installed on WXP
SP1 too and 329115 was only fixed on SP2

nobodies perfect I guess

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