if meet critertia then countif(a1:a10, between dates)



I hv a table of info

Col A = location
Col B = Due Dates

if meet location, then count the number of due dates that fall in Oct or nov


Col A Col B
Location Due Dates
USA 10/10/05
Canada 5/1/06
UK 31/12/05
Canada 2/1/06
S. America 30/10/05

Result: oct 05 nov 05 dec 05 jan 06
canada 0 0 0 2
S. America 2 0 0 0


Assuming source table is in A2:B10, and
this results part below is set-up in D1:H3
(E1:H1 contains "1st of month" dates,
viz.:1-Oct-2005, 1-Nov-2005 filled across)
Result: oct 05 nov 05 dec 05 jan 06
canada 0 0 0 2
S. America 1* 0 0 0
*corrected typo

Put in E2:


Copy E2 across to H2, fill down to populate the table
and return the desired results

Adapt to suit ..



Glad it helped !

... and just realized there was an extra, unnecessary pair of parens (around
the 3rd cond) in the earlier formula, sorry.

Put instead in E2, and fill across and down:


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