If IsNumber or IsNumeric



I'm not an excel formula pro and am struggling. Can anyone help?
I've got a column of data, say C1:C10. The contents of ea. cell in
this column are derived from a formula in another workbook. The C
cells can be populated with either a number or #N/A N.A.

I'm trying to create a formula that results in the new cell showing the
number if the C cell holds a number, but also shows a 0 if the C cell
shows #N/A N.A.

Here's what I've got (and I've tried both isnumber and isnumeric).
=IF(IsNumber C1:c10, C1:c10, 0).

I'm sure this is pretty simple but I can't make it work. Thanks for
any ideas.

Conan Kelly


if you look up the ISERR or ISERROR functions in Help, that should help you out. Using one of these functions in your IF function
should do what you need it to.

I hope this helps,


Jake Marx

Hi Kitty,

As Conan said, you can use ISERROR to determine if the value is #N/A. There
is a more specific worksheet function named ISNA that will do it as well:

=IF(ISNA(C1), 0, C1)

I would suggest use ISNA since you're looking for that specific error.


Jake Marx

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