If I have corrupt files...



How can I correct this and/or stop it from continuing?...

I don't know how long this is going on, might only be a
few days, since I started messing around and bouncing back
and forth between FTP extensions and FP extensions, or
maybe it's been happening for a while, I don't know, but
my broken hyperlinks list seems to be growing daily which
means that there's something, a bug, or corruption that is
possibly taking over all of my Excel files that were then
converted to HTML...

Here is the first 3 lines of code at the beginning of
virtually all of these files now:
<html xmlns:blush:="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:blush:ffice:blush:ffice"
then we have a blank line, followed by 7 lines of code,
the last 3 (after the meta lines) seem to be disturbing to
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;
<meta name=ProgId content=FrontPage.Editor.Document>
<meta name=Generator content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
<link rel=File-List href="./5-
<link rel=Edit-Time-Data href="./5-
<link rel=OLE-Object-Data href="./5-

Then there are hundreds of lines of grayed-out code that
appears to be xml code, mso code...

Am I in trouble here?...Is my site in trouble?...I have
over 4000 pages on my site, I don't want to lose pages by
the hundreds on a daily basis, I need to stop whatever is
happening IMMEDIATELY...

Is the corruption eminating from my hard-drive or

I need to stop this and correct this and fix this
immediately, can anybody recognize what might be happening



MD Websunlimited

Hi Steve,

All that code allows for the page to be round tripped between FP and Excel or other Office application. There is nothing wrong with
it other than it is bulky.

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