If I add v8 (Col A) and v8(col B), what formula to get v16(col c)



In a row the values would ranging from v4 to v8, how would I add all the
values that starts with v? So if col a would appear v8, column b would be v8
and column c would be s8, how will I add only the columns that starst with v?
Thus, I would need the sum in column f showing v16?

Brotha Lee


You can use the following SUMIF formula which will sum all values in row 2
where cells beginning with V.


To create the values in row 2 you could use the follow formula:
which converts i.e. V8 to 8

If you would like to sum the values after V in a single row then there is no
way to do by regular Excel formula. You can use the folliwng UDF:

Public Function mySumif(rng As Range, strFilter As String) as double

For Each cell In rng
If cell = "" Then
ElseIf InStr(1, cell, strFilter, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
res = res + CDbl(Replace(cell, strFilter, "", 1, 1, vbTextCompare))
End If
Next cell
mySumif = res
End Function

T. Valko

As long as every cell that contains a "v" also contains a number. Try this
array formula** :


I'm guessing that "v" means Vacation, "s" means Sick for timesheet

** array formulas need to be entered using the key combination of

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