If Function Also Using AND eg: If( ... AND ... ,X,Y)


Peter W S


I have a skight problem which neither the help system or knowledge base can
answer so I am hooping that one of you nice people can help

I am trying to gain a result in a cell whereby two conditions have to be met
before it decides on which answer to give. I have tried the following ...

=IF(C1="2F" AND G1<=TODAY(),"1"," ")

However, excel does not wawnt to accept the AND argument. and therefore I
experimented with the following function


This gives me one of two responses ... TRUE or invalid syntax. I cannot work
out which or what to use and how. I am now tearing my hair out in despair.
Can anyone please advise or help.

Using Excel XP V10

Peter W Soady
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Bob Phillips

Pretty close




Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)