If Formulas



I have the following formula in an excel workbook :
A-B'!C4+(Control!C37-'Work A-B'!D3)*Control!C32,'Lanes A-B'!C4)))
Control C46 is a combo box & I can get the formula to subtract 5 or an
whole number from Cell D3. What I can't seem to get is if I select
percentage e.g. .05 for control C46. All I get is #######.
Can anyone help me?


Hi Don

not sure why this is happening - your IF function seemed to work fine when i
tested it (although i did eveything on one sheet rather than reference cells
on other sheets) .. has the #### got anything to do with column widths and
as .05 isn't actually a "percentage" - you're not formatting anything after
selecting it in C46 are you? is there any strange formatting on the cell
that has the IF statement in it.

Additionally, i think you can simplify the IF statement - maybe this will
A-B'!C4+(Control!C37-'Work A-B'!D3)*Control!C32,'Lanes A-B'!C4))

Let us know how you get on.



On your worksheet, click on "Help" and the various errors, "#######
included, are explained.

<< I have the following formula in an excel workbook :
A-B'!C4+(Control!C37-'Work A-B'!D3)*Control!C32,'Lanes A-B'!C4)))
Control C46 is a combo box & I can get the formula to subtract 5 or an
whole number from Cell D3. What I can't seem to get is if I select
percentage e.g. .05 for control C46. All I get is #######.
Can anyone help me?
Don >

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