"if formula"



Ok, get ready for a long winded post, as it is confusing....

Basically, the a couple of parts that I need to the formula, not sure if it
will be possible though....

Here is the BASIC formula that I need to work from:

Variable Hours * 3.37 * variable % * (either 85% or 100%) * standard
133.3333% =

Now, IF the variable HOURS are greater than 37.5, then the formula changes
to the following.....instead of multiplying 3.37 by the hours, there is a
standard fee of 168.50

So, this formula would be something like this:

if variable hours > 37.5 = 168.50 * variable % * (either 85% or 100%) =

It is all very complicated......but it is a formula that needs to be used in
order to work out charge out fees, and as you can see, it would be much
easier if all I have to do is put in the variable hours and then point to the
clients variable % (which is a different % for each client, but the same once
allocated) and also point to the 85% or 100% depending on which one they are

I know this is all sounding very complicated, which is why I desperately
need help....any formula whizzes out there would be greatly appreciated and
more than likely a great challenge!!!!

If you need me to further elaborate, please advise, as I have tried my best
to explain it as simply as possible.....



The answer to your question is actually quite easy, except that your info is
rather confusing. I take it you are getting all these variables from cell
addresses though.
Lets say Variable hours is in col A; variable % in Col B and Standard
133.3333% in C1, then
In row 6 this will change to

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