I have a brick selection sheet with Data Validations in Lists of Brick Blends.
I have added * to the end of each brick blend type to signify the amount of
different bricks ie. Colonial Blend** means 2 x different bricks required
(Non Chargeable to client) and Homestead Blend*** means 3 x Different Bricks
required. (Chargeable to client)
I have tried to write a formula that puts an X in a cell adjacent to the
Data Validation cell (means Chargeable to client) for 3 brick blend and if it
is anything else leave the cell blank. I keep getting the #VALUE! Error.
For Example:- =IF(FIND("***",J19,1)>0,"X","")
It works fine putting the "X" value in the adjacent cell, but when I want it
to return a value of nothing ("") it gives me the error.
I have added * to the end of each brick blend type to signify the amount of
different bricks ie. Colonial Blend** means 2 x different bricks required
(Non Chargeable to client) and Homestead Blend*** means 3 x Different Bricks
required. (Chargeable to client)
I have tried to write a formula that puts an X in a cell adjacent to the
Data Validation cell (means Chargeable to client) for 3 brick blend and if it
is anything else leave the cell blank. I keep getting the #VALUE! Error.
For Example:- =IF(FIND("***",J19,1)>0,"X","")
It works fine putting the "X" value in the adjacent cell, but when I want it
to return a value of nothing ("") it gives me the error.