IF command in Excel


Lee Davison

Im not greatly familiar with Excel, could anyone point me in the direction
of a tutorial on the following.
Id like to set up a rule where
1) Excel reads what words I am inserting into a cell
2) If the word is a certain word, excel knows to put the figure in the
adjoining cell into a certain locations

(Cell 1a) Burgers, (Cell 1b) 8
(Cell 2a) Fries, (Cell 2b) 3

Excel needs a long list saying if (cell 1a) says Fries, insert 8 into (say
sheet 5 cell 47)
If (cell 2a) says Fries, insert 8 into (say sheet 5 cell 47)

If (cell 1a) says Burgers, insert 3 into (say sheet 5 cell 48)
If (cell 2a) says Burgers, insert 3 into (say sheet 5 cell 48)

Dont know if this explain it clearly, I think the command is called IF, and
you somehow create a list with it.


You didn't call out a column number for "Sheet 5, Cell 47", let's just assume
though that it is column A. Let's also assume that the matrix with the
information (Fries, 8, etc...) is in sheet 1...

You would type in Sheet5, Cell A47

=IF(Sheet1!A1="FRIES", Sheet1!A2, 0)

This would make cell A47 on Sheet 5 equal to 8 if "FRIES" is the text in
Sheet 1 A1. If Sheet 1, A1 is something other than "FRIES" the value would
be zero.

Hope this helps!

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