If Column T contains then



Dim Defragglerow As Long
Dim RockroadRow As Long

Defragglerow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

For RockroadRow = 1 To Defragglerow
With Cells(RockroadRow, "T")
If .Text Like "TACO*" And.Offset(, 52).Text Like "*Blank*" Then
Cells(RockroadRow, "F") = "SOFT TACO"
End If
End With
Next RockroadRow

End Sub

If any row in Column T contains TACO anywhere and that same row in Column BA
is blank I want to change the contents in Column F to “SOFT TACOâ€. I entered
the code I have so far above. Can you help?

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