If And Or Formula




I have a couple of previous posts on formulas, I'm not great at tagging them
together so if anyone can point me in the direction of a good way to learn
this I would appreciate it.

In my previous posts I was offered 2 formulas, actually I now need to use
them together to say that if the first formula is true call it say "PT1" and
if the second condition is true call it "PT2"

My 2 individual formulas are
=IF(AND(LEFT(F2,3)=RIGHT(F2,3),LEN(F2)=11),"yes","no") - this is the one I
would want to return PT1

The second one is....
==IF(AND(LEFT(H53076,3)=RIGHT(H53076,3),LEN(H53076)=19),"YES","NO") - this
one would want to return PT2, and I also wanted to tag a condition to the
second one to say the length should be 19 char.

Is it possible to tag these 2 together and have the different answers,
pt1,pt2, or NA for any others?

Many thanks


I would think this:

However, If the result will ALWAYS be one or the other, then it becomes



Hi Paul,

Thanks so much for your answer, I have missed a bit out... the second part
of the formulas should be

=IF((LEFT(A1,3)&MID(A1,5,3))=(RIGHT(A1,3)&MID(A1,13,3)),"YES","NO") and
again I'd like to merge 19 characters long into the second part...

Apologies for the confusion.

Many thanks


I'm not sure I follow.

What is it that you want to know if it is 19 characters long? Is it all of
A1? If so, then you could start with:

19 Characters")

Does that help?



Hi Paul,

Sorry for the confusion...

so if I have 2 examples of text
lon/ams/lon in cell a2 as an example that would be an 11 character long with
the first 3 and the last 3 characters matching.
another example would be
lon/par/nyc/par/lon in cell a2that would be 19 characters long with the
first 3 and last 3 matching and also the par/par matches so positions 5-7 and
13 to 15 match,

I am looking for a formula that if the first is true it says one thing, if
the second is true it has a different response, but if neither of the above
are true is says no. I have this at the moment in single formulas but I
wanted to know if I could combine into one formula..

Thanks for your help...

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