If an option is not available in a look-up table, I want to enter


Dr. Darrell

If an option is not available in a look-up table, I want to enter a value and
I would like that value to remain in the look-up table as an option.

When entering data into Table Tbl_Weld_Wire_Chits, I have a look-up table
which is linked to Table Tbl_Wire_Size. I will have all the standard sizes of
wire which we use in the table, but sometime in the future we may add another
wire size as a standard; so I would like to update the table by entering a
value istead of selecting from the list.

How do I format the field or look-up table to allow me to enter data into
this cell.

Thank You,

Stefan Hoffmann

hi Darrell,

Dr. Darrell said:
If an option is not available in a look-up table, I want to enter a value and
I would like that value to remain in the look-up table as an option.
When entering data into Table Tbl_Weld_Wire_Chits, I have a look-up table
which is linked to Table Tbl_Wire_Size.
You shouldn't do that:

How do I format the field or look-up table to allow me to enter data into
this cell.
Use a form, place your fields on it. Use a ComboBox for your look-up.
Use the Not In List event to save your input. Display the form as datasheet.



--> stefan <--



Hi Darrell,

Are you using an autonumber primary key in Tbl_Wire_Size ? and storing
a Long Integer Foreign Key in Tbl_Weld_Wire_Chits? If not, then perhaps
you should be. Your RowSource for the combo would be hiding the first
column, which is the numeric key, and showing the second column, which
will be your description.

You can use the NotInList event to add a record to the lookup table


on your form, here is an example with the properties you need to set for
a combobox that stores the ID and displays the text

combobox control

Name --> RecordID
ControlSource --> RecordID
RowSource -->
FROM Tablename

BoundColumn --> 1
ColumnCount --> 2

columnWidths --> 0;2
(etc for however many columns you have
-- the ID column will be hidden since its width is zero)

ListWidth --> 2
(should add up to the sum of the column widths)

RecordID will be stored in the form RecordSource while showing you
information from another table...

for the NotInList event of the combobox, here is code behind the form:

Private Sub ControlName_NotInList( _
NewData As String, _
Response As Integer)

' crystal (strive4peace)

'the combobox controlname is
'and its first column (hidden)
'is the Autonumber record ID for the source table

'set up Error Handler
On Error GoTo Proc_Err

Dim s As String _
, mRecordID As Long _
, mText As String

' Display message box asking if user wants to add a new item
s= "'" & NewData & "' is not in the current list. " _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Do you want to add it? " _
& vbCrLf _
& "(Check to ensure new entry is correct before proceeding)"

Select Case MsgBox(s, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 _
, "Add New Data")

Case vbYes

'if NewData needs to be parsed,
'separate it and
'modify the SQL accordingly

'Choose ONE of these code blocks

'if you want to convert to ProperCase
'mText = StrConv(NewData, vbProperCase)

's = "INSERT INTO Tablename(SomeName) " _
& " SELECT '" & mText & "';"
'if data is text
s = "INSERT INTO Tablename(SomeName) " _
& " SELECT '" & NewData & "';"
'if data is numeric
s = "INSERT INTO Tablename(SomeName) " _
& " SELECT " & NewData & ";"
'comment or remove next line after this works correctly
Debug.Print s

CurrentDb.Execute s


'assume SQL to add was ok
Response = acDataErrAdded

Case Else
Response = acDataErrContinue
End Select

Exit Sub

'NOTE: replace ProcedureName with the name of your procedure
MsgBox Err.Description, , _
"ERROR " & Err.Number _
& " ProcedureName"

Resume Proc_Exit

'if you want to single-step code to find error, CTRL-Break at MsgBox
'then set this to be the next statement

End Sub

- Tablename is the name of the lookup table
- SomeName is the name of the field with the text or numeric values to
- RecordID is the name of the Primary Key field in the table you are
adding to, and the Foreign Key in the table that the form is based on
- ControlName is the NAME property of the control on your form with RecordID

Warm Regards,
remote programming and training

:) have an awesome day :)
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Dr. Darrell said:
If an option is not available in a look-up table, I want to enter a value
I would like that value to remain in the look-up table as an option.

When entering data into Table Tbl_Weld_Wire_Chits, I have a look-up table
which is linked to Table Tbl_Wire_Size. I will have all the standard sizes
wire which we use in the table, but sometime in the future we may add
wire size as a standard; so I would like to update the table by entering a
value istead of selecting from the list.

How do I format the field or look-up table to allow me to enter data into
this cell.

Thank You,


thanks, Stephan!

happy you are booked too!

Warm Regards,
remote programming and training

:) have an awesome day :)

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