ie6 SP1 browser - I hate it!!!!



I had been using Netscape 7.0 as my internet browser for
years. I recently upgraded to Microsoft Internet Explorer
IE6 SP1 thinking this would be much better. It is, in
fact, horrible. Much more difficult to use, will not open
internet pages from links in email, locks up extremely
frequently. I could go on and on. I just want to get rid
of it and go back to Netscape. How do I get rid of IE6
SP1 and go back to Netscape? Thanks.

Brian Gregory [UK]

McCollum said:
will not open
internet pages from links in email, locks up extremely
frequently. I could go on and on.

Sounds like Netscape has buggered up your Windows installation.

I have none of these problems with IE6 SP1


You can't uninstall IE6, but you can switch the default browser. I think it is in Netscape -> Preferences.

BTW, why do you use Netscape 7.0? There is Netscape 7.1 available (built on Mozilla 1.4). It adds pop-up blocking. Anyhow, I wouldn't recommend Netscape. AOL fired most of it's browser development group (or something like that) so there will be no more Netscape browsers. Instead, use Mozilla 1.5, available at Netscape is built on Mozilla, so basically they are the same browser with a few cosmetic differences. Also, Mozilla can't access Netscape webmail.

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