ie6 error message



I use IE6 with Win XP, and whenever I visit certain
websites, I get a message telling me that IE has
encountered an error and has to close.

If anyone knows what causes this and how to fix it, I
would really appreciate it! Thanks!

Jon Kennedy

When that error message comes up, click the blue link by "To see what this error report contains - click here". Need to know the App name and Mod name.

Or go to this article - Description and Availability of Internet Explorer Error Reporting Tool;[LN];Q276550 - scroll down for how to disable the Error Reporting Tool, and then let Windows capture the error the next time. There will then be an error box with a Details button. Need to know the XXXX caused a YYYY in module ZZZZ part. You can leave out the stack dump numbers. Also need to know the version of Windows the user is running.


Kathy said:
I use IE6 with Win XP, and whenever I visit certain
websites, I get a message telling me that IE has
encountered an error and has to close.

If anyone knows what causes this and how to fix it, I
would really appreciate it! Thanks!

Iexplore.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the
inconvenience. (IE 6. XP/ME/2000) (IE 6. ME) (IE 6, W98/se/NT4/2000/ME/XP) (IE 6. XP) (MSHTML)




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- Neil Stephenson, _Cryptonomicon_


Other expert posts seem to suggest turning off "Enable 3rd
party browser
extensions" in advanced IE options.
Did this, and for a moment, it appeared that that did the
Unfortunately, IE6 got just a bit further than before and
then crashed with
the same message.
Not funny any more !

Is this related to code (in one form or another) that
specific websites
download and run when the browser opens them ?

Given that so many people are reporting these errors, is
there a
consolidated MS response ? I read one of the KB
references, but it seemed to
apply to a specific offending product (plug-in). I
installed IE6, and have
had problems ever since - no chance to install any
toolbars etc.
My current (today's) list of sites that have caused IE6 to
crash: - how about that for irony!

I am running Win98.

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