ie6 default browser page settings


Phyuck Yu

what are the default browser page settings in ie6?
Local Page:

much thnx!

Phyuck Yu

"do your own homework"
what kind of b.s. answer is that!?
volunteer, MVP or whatever, if your tired of helping people or answering
their questions regardless of how meaningless or insignificant or n00b you
may think they are then do everyone a HUGE FAVOR (yourself included) and pass
the baton to someone else who doesnt have the seriously bad attitude that you
obviously have!

<Microsoft MVPs:> Microsoft MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals) volunteer
technical answers and expertise in many Microsoft Community Web sites.
Microsoft MVPs come from a wide range of backgrounds and professions. All
share a willingness to give their time, expertise, and advice to enhance the
technical skills of others. MVPs are not Microsoft employees and Microsoft
has no expectations of MVPs beyond the EXPECTATIONS OF COURTESY,
PROFESSIONALISM, and adherence to the Community rules that we ask of all
Microsoft community members.

if my question/issue was somehow not appropriate for posting here you could
have let me know in a much more professional and polite way.


PA Bear [MS MVP]

Phyuck Yu

Phyuck said:
"do your own homework"
what kind of b.s. answer is that!?
volunteer, MVP or whatever, if your tired of helping people or answering
their questions regardless of how meaningless or insignificant or n00b you
may think they are then do everyone a HUGE FAVOR (yourself included) and
pass the baton to someone else who doesnt have the seriously bad attitude
that you obviously have!

<Microsoft MVPs:> Microsoft MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals) volunteer
technical answers and expertise in many Microsoft Community Web sites.
Microsoft MVPs come from a wide range of backgrounds and professions. All
share a willingness to give their time, expertise, and advice to enhance
technical skills of others. MVPs are not Microsoft employees and Microsoft
has no expectations of MVPs beyond the EXPECTATIONS OF COURTESY,
PROFESSIONALISM, and adherence to the Community rules that we ask of all
Microsoft community members.

if my question/issue was somehow not appropriate for posting here you
have let me know in a much more professional and polite way.

do your own homework

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