IE6 causes HTTP 400 for dynamic pages on my server


Markus Ewald

It seems like I cannot access any URLs on my server containing a
question mark with IE6. The server, running Apache 2.0.55, produces the
following logs:

Internet Explorer 6
"GET /main HTTP/1.1" 301 305
"GET /main/ HTTP/1.1" 302 -
"GET /main/modules/overview/index.php? HTTP/1.1" 400 293

Firefox 1.5
"GET /main HTTP/1.1" 301 305
"GET /main/ HTTP/1.1" 302 -
"GET /main/modules/overview/index.php? HTTP/1.1" 200 25309
"GET /main/modules/general/mim_status.php? HTTP/1.1" 200 737

As far as I can tell, this seems to happen with any default installation
of Internet Explorer 6. The site accessed via HTTPS with a self-signed
certificate. I already tried adding the site in question to the trusted
sites list in case there was some kind of cookie problem, but to no avail.

Any ideas?


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