IE Toolbar/Deskbadn development


Adnan Siddiqi

Hello All

I have just joined this group,i found many example of development of IE
toolbar or deskband but found noone in C#

i am not a core C++ programmer so examples in ATL WTL are difficult to

if anyone can guide me a tutorial or sample for deskband development in
C#,i will be grateful

What i want to do to make a toolbar/deskband which can fetch particular
keyword from a specific website and then show on toolbar about no of
occurence of that Keyword


waiting for reply


Adnan Siddiqi

Thanks for replies

actually wht i want to develop is the softwarw which can check last
login time of Hotmail,i found a link on codeproject website which
explained the usage of WebDAV protocl but i dont want to fetch folders
just wana know the last time Used..maybe it could be done by using
if yes then how should I do it?
i am newbie please guide me
,even if i go for approach to grab the html,is it possible that my
application grab the content of current Expplorer Instance and parse

kindly guide me please


Adnan Siddiqi


the project is not gettin loaded in IDE,its givin errior when it doens`t
add second project within Solution

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