IE status bar on the bottom is gone - why?




The bar on the bottom of IE that shows you what the name of a link is if you
hover over it, and also shows you how the status of a web page loads has
dissapeared off my IE browser windows.

I'm using Windows XP Home 2002 / IE 6.0.2600.0000

Does anyone know why it would go away and how to get it back?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Oh good grief - it was that simple!

** Banging head on desk **

Thank you Margaret! I appreciate the help. :)


Hey again -

Is there a way to make that work on all browser windows for good? Like
locking it somehow?

When I open a new window I have to click the view | status bar again.

Thanks -


PA Bear

You are running very outdated and much less-secure versions of IE and
Windows, Karen. Check in at Windows Update ASAP. Any of the updates the
machine is missing may solve your problem(s) as a side-benefit.


How to configure and use Automatic Updates in Windows XP:

Before You Connect a New Computer to the Internet

Protect Your PC

Top 10 Reasons to Install Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)


Thank you very much - PA Bear -

I had thought I had updated the PC - yes it's a laptop connected through a
wireless connection - and it's been a while since I've connected to the
internet with it.

Looking through the update settings now I realized had downloaded all of
the updates but didn't install them - or all of them ... yet. On my other PC
I have it set up to auto update and install - looking closer at this one I
realized it's just auto-updating and waiting for me to install. It
'clicked' when I read your post to go check.

I have copied your posts/ links and will do this right now.

Thank you very much for the help, links, and advice. I appreciate it!



I just wanted to pop back in and say thank you again for the suggestions and

After updating everything, finding spyware and cleaning up it's worked and
all is fine right now, and I wanted to let you know that my PC is fine now.

I really appreciate all of the help and suggestions and links.


PA Bear

You're most welcome, Karen.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE) & Security

CC: BrianB for backpatting consideration
[ReplyTo munged]

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