IE prompts for a password when using anonymous authentication



Hi everyone,

I have developed an ASP.NET web application and have deployed it to a
production server. The web application has only a single page with the
page_load event having no code in it. The virtual directory in IIS is setup
with anonymous access only. The user that virtual directory is setup to run
under has administrative privilages on the server.

Whenever I visit the deployed site I get prompted for a username and
password. If I enter my username and password the page I was trying to access
is not displayed and I get prompted for a username and password again. If I
press cancel, the page is displayed and the site works as expected.

I've spent a long time investigating this issue and have been unable to get
to the bottom of it. It's extremely important that I fix this issue as it is
affecting a live site.

Has anyone experienced this issue themselves? Or perhaps know how to fix it?

Any help that can be passed on would be gratefully received.

Many thanks

Adam Ainger


Since posting my original message, I discovered that the problem was caused
by having ASP.NET validation controls on the page and them requiring a
particular file permission into the ASPNET_CLIENT folder. Adding the List
Folder Contents permission for the Everyone user fixed the problem.



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