IE install


Clint Ryan

Ive resently bought a new computer its about four weeks
old I have error messages which pop up and say that
internet explorer has found a problem blah blah blah do
you want to inform microsoft of this error. this msg pops
up within 2-3 minutes of opening internet explorer also
theres about 50 pop up from ebay, spyware and a few others
that pop up within that 2-3 minutes. cannot even search
the internet as before Ive had time to enter in the web
site or click on a link theres already too many pop ups
and then theres the error msg. Ive installed numerous pop
up blockers (google and msn) but they dont do anything??
is there anyone out there that can prove to me that
computers and the internet are worth while to have cause
with this experience I would rather get my monies worth
out of it by throwing it off a building.


Greetings Clint -

First: ROFLMAO! Reminds me of an old thread in W98 gen.discussion
"Rectanglar (sic) box headed for trash can." Still makes me laugh when I
think of it. <BG> Ok, now that I've regained composure. ;-))

I'm not sure what it's called in XP - which its safe to guess that you
have - perhaps messenger service? You should definitely turn that puppy off
if it is active on your PC for starters.

See here:
How to turn off Windows Messenger Service

If perchance you are using W98 or W98se, do this: Control Panel>Add/remove
programs>Windows Set-up tab>scroll down to System tools and select it
(highlight it)>click details button>scroll down and un-check WinPopup>
Apply>OK out. Re-boot if necessary.

Next, I find it is not wise (IMO) to go about the web enabling Active
Scripting and ActiveX. Most undesirable stuff comes from allowing those

Control Panel> IE Options> Security Tab> scroll down and disable (or at
least set to prompt) ActiveX and Active Scripting. Click yes when it asks do
you want to change those settings. OK out. Note: you will find a lot of
dialog boxes will appear saying do you want to permit Scripting and/or
Active X if you choose prompt for them. Active X will ask all the time
regardless if it is set to prompt or disabled. It *is* annoying too, but at
least controlled.

More on this here:
How to surf safely with IE

If this doesn't remedy your problem, then we must look deeper and get into
Spyware/malware/scumware/pest cleaners and the like.

HTH - reply back to this thread for further help if needed.

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