IE help!



we use aol dsl for browsing. it runs with IE in the
backgroud. now when tring to browse we get the
message "cannot find server" then "no page to display"
I have tried AOL and gateway without success. (we run xp
on a gateway desktop) everyone blames someone else.
i tried to download a newer version of IE, but it says it
already exsists on my comp.


So, you cannot get to the internet at all? What have you done to
troubleshoot your tcp/ip connectivity?


i can get on through MSN, aol must be logged on to. with
aol all i get is the welcome screen and my email. i can
send and recieve email, but cannot access the internet
thruough aol or ie.
if there is any advice, fire away. thanks!


First, get rid of AOL. Seriously, it's junk software, has been for years.
Uninstall it.
If you are ok using MSN, but not ok when using AOL, what does that tell you?
Second, do you have up to date antivirus software, a firewall and a
spyware/adware detection tool installed? Have you run full scans lately?


i am seriously thinking of ditching aol
who else has good dsl?
only drawback is the kids love the IM features
do you have any idea why IE wont run? i need that for
work for my VPN connection (i think)
i have norton anitvirus and a firewall, and adware6.0
this has been a huge nightmare that has now gone on for 2
weeks. the family is at whits end.

Jon Kennedy

How to Use Internet Explorer with AOL as Your ISP;EN-US;q165474

If no joy, see this article:

Cannot Browse the Internet Using Internet Explorer While Connected to AOL;EN-US;q238550

More info:


"The Page Cannot Be Displayed" Error Message When You Try to Start Internet
Error message: The page cannot be displayed;en-us;241344


Just fyi, you don't need AOL to use IM, it is available as a free download
and can be installed separately from AOL. I use Verizon DSL, have never had
a problem.
As for the VPN, don't know, there are many other free browsers out there you
could try, the popular one at the moment is's Firefox.

You need to understand that AOL destroys IE, so getting rid of it and then
reinstalling IE may fix your problem. A lot of people think they need AOL
to do everything they need to do on the internet, which is what AOL wants
them to believe but it is very untrue.


thanks for the help
i know i have been taken by AOL
here we are paying them for their dsl and browser, when
really they use IE.
in trying to fix the problems we have been having, every
single tech tries something new.(and says oh, that last
fix they tried was wrong) i feel like they are just
throwing out anything. in the mean time i feel like a
hostage to their system.

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