IE Developer Toolbar does not display



I installed the IE Developer toolbar. It appears to have installed properly.
However, when I click on the menu option to display the tool bar under the
"view" menu option, nothing happens. Has anyone else seen this?

Rob ^_^

Hi Scott,

Have you done a re-boot since installing it? This may be required to allow
it to "take" in IE.
There was a version upgrade made to the toolbar to make it compatible with
IE7, so it may be this version that has broken some compatibility with IE6.



Oh, bad...

Windows XP Professional, SP2
IE 6.0.2900

Thanks for the reply,


Thanks for the reply Rob.

Yes, I have re-booted the box a few time since installation. I have all the
Windows updates installed.

I tried the install on a different machine with XP SP2 and IE 6.0 (same as
the first machine), but that one worked perfectly. The first box has 256MB
the second one has 512MB. Would that matter?



I have the same issue. I have XP Home Edition SP2. I have 512MB RAM.
I run Firefox 99% of the time when browsing, but do checks in IE when
doing web development. The IE developer toolbar seems to have
installed properly, upon reboot, I click 'view' then 'developer
toolbar' - no luck.

I've uninstalled it, repaired it - even downloaded the newer (beta 2, I
believe) version, and still - nothing.

I have it at work, and it functions ok. At home, no such luck.

It's frustrating. What would cause this NOT to work?

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