IE Crashing!



can anyone help...i recently cleared trojans from my pc
also upgraded IE to IE SP1...also had host files
installed in my system32 file to prevent pop up adds that
cause my IE to freeze and i also defragmented my HD...but
when i open more then about 4-5 IE windows it just
freezes and i have to restart the computer manually...

this is really getting annoying even though i have
deleted spyware, trojans + worms and upgraded my IE, but
still the IE is freezing

can anyone help

thanks guy!!


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can anyone help...i recently cleared trojans from my pc
also upgraded IE to IE SP1...also had host files
installed in my system32 file to prevent pop up adds that
cause my IE to freeze and i also defragmented my HD...but
when i open more then about 4-5 IE windows it just
freezes and i have to restart the computer manually...

this is really getting annoying even though i have
deleted spyware, trojans + worms and upgraded my IE, but
still the IE is freezing

can anyone help

thanks guy!!

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